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Sunday, May 26, 2024

What's for that I make-up and go out just to viewing new place new house new room to move?!?

Am going to move out from this Condo soon. Coz I dun want to pay all 2.5 months Rental deposit.

And I was worring about my lovely daughter kitten will jumping out from the high levels balcony one day & I don't want to lost my kitten baby again!!!

And I can't dress up like this too when I just go out for Home-tuition work over here.

I look too young like this then how I tell ppls that I had 25 years private teaching experiences?!? They will doubt about it.

When I went grocery just now a 19 years old Malays young girl also make up but guess that I just 20 years old same her generation!!!

Then I said I could be her mom already am 45 this year!!!

I have moved into this balcony room for more than three months. Yesterday evening I saw such a strong thunder storm and heavy rain for the first time! It blew down everything on the balcony! It was scary! 😨

Therefore, I simply cannot imagine how terrifying the super tornadoes that often occur in the United States are. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I know you want this right

My North Node fell in the 9th House!!! That's what my nature!

North Node in the 9th House

The North Node is also called Jidu, and it belongs to Earth.  In reincarnation astrology, the North and South Nodes play an important role. Astrologers generally encourage people to move to the position of the North Node, because the South Node is a manifestation of past life karma. It often represents a habit that has been over-developed for many lifetimes.  place.  Based on balanced personality traits, we must improve this over-expression aspect.  The North Node houses and related houses describe the areas of life that will be associated with life tasks.  What does it mean when the North Node is in the 9th house?  What kind of impact will it have?  Let’s take a look below.

 North Node Ninth House
 Knowledge Opposite: Knowledge and insights complement each other, and wisdom improves.
 Knowledge or skill pursuit, but need to improve knowledge and field.  Fresh and foreign field developments, and the improvement of philosophical level.
 The ninth house is the house where the North Node ascends.  People with the North Node in the Ninth House do not like to be bound by the law, but they will have a large amount of property, get along well with their relatives, have many children, and be loved by everyone.  In Napoleon's natal chart, the North Node is located in the Ninth House (Libra rising, North Node in Gemini).  But these people are jealous of their fathers and are likely to hate women.
People with this placement need to learn to escape logic and trust their intuition.  In the past, they tended to seek answers from books or others. However, in this life, they need to learn to search for answers within themselves.  They need to learn to trust themselves, find their own truth and speak it out.  What they want to learn is to access higher truths rather than the truth.  This is a lifetime dedicated to spiritual inquiry, and their life mission may be to communicate the truth they discover to others through the priesthood, law, writing, speaking, publishing, mind reading, or channeling.
Many people with this placement will feel a sense of mission. They are to provide inspiration, hope, faith and spiritual outlook in this life.  They see a great vision and are driven to share it with others.  

They will be refreshed by setting aside time to spend time in nature, which can calm their minds and open up to a higher spirituality. 

Traveling to exotic places is another way for them to expand themselves, open up their perceptions, and develop their understanding of life.

Horoscope motto: Intuition will automatically point you to the right path.
Traits to Develop (Working on this area should help you identify hidden gifts and talents.)

 * Trust in intuition, prophetic abilities, and invisible guidance
 *Be a spokesperson for spirituality
 * Spontaneity - developing a sense of freedom and adventure
 * Direct communication without censorship
   * trust yourself
 * Spend time meditation and wander in nature
 * patience
 * Intuitive listening, hearing the true meaning of words



学识对宫 ~ 知识与见解的相辅相成,智慧的提升。




  * 信赖直觉、预言的能力,以及无形的指引
  * 做灵性的代言人
  * 自发性——发展出自由及冒险的意识
  * 免于检视的直接沟通
  * 相信自己
  * 花时间静坐及徜徉于大自然之中
  * 耐心
  * 直觉的倾听,听出话语后真正的含意

Monday, May 13, 2024

My Sweatheart baby Marsi 😻

Hahahahaha I brought her went to Mall's grocery shopping yesterday!!!

I won't take more cat anymore! One with me is enough! Angel Coffee 😺 & baby Marsi 😼 are coming to train me how to take care of little baby kid that I told you last year I have no experiences of little baby! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

MARSi😼The Calico Tabby Cat 🐅《小火星😼三花虎斑猫的猫生活》寫真集 2024 Album

Adorable Kitten 😼 

MARSi 😼 The Calico Tabby Cat 🐅

~ 2024 • Album ~

Adopted her just two months period, she grown up so big right now!

Very LUCKY and good life kitten 😺
非常幸運好命的猫咪 🐈 

Live without any worries...

Be fed with delicious cat food cheese and nutritional supplements every day

and a bunch of fun cat toys 😼
和一堆好玩的猫玩具 😸

And fulfilling with a lot of deep and unconditional love❤

Bought her a new Scraching board before she damage my new Yoga mat! 🐈

Caring and pamper her and grow up day by day😻

She is waiting for her daddy come to bring her leave this None-Animals Friendly very rude and dangerous country!

MARSi :"Daddy, I got fully 3 dots Vaccines already I had Antibody now I can go and fly anywhere right now!"