OK done!!! FINISHED all Reading!
Beginning with the first card of Tarot [THE MAGICIAN] is very Fantastic & Creativity!
And this is what you means "You are running your last leg of career life as you was entering into middle age footprints some kinds like retirement relaxing lifestyle!"
When the Magician tarot card appears in your reading, your higher self is ready to help you manifest your greatest desires.
The Magician is a very high-energy Major Arcana card and reveals how your wishes can be realized through determination and willpower.
He allows you to translate ideas and untapped talent into action.
Tarot Reading End of the Month
(23-31August 2022)
SEVEN OF CUPS : I was really so confused of too many Options and Oppotunities which one or two Talents I have to choose to work out in my future life!
THE HIEROPHANT : You really went to Japan Buddist Temple attending their Traditional Religious Prayer Ceremony pray for the Good Luck!
General Meaning
The Hierophant is another confusing card. This card is usually linked to religion. The Hierophant suggests that someone you know is getting married soon.
However, this card is not always related to religion. It can simply mean that you are going to be putting aside your pride so you can ask someone else for help with something. This card is gentle, forgiving, and merciful. It tells you that someone will be forgiving you for something or that it is time for you to forgive someone else. With mercy comes doing what is right by you and others. Do whatever you feel is right. It doesn’t matter if others agree with your choice or not.
Love Meaning
When doing a love reading, The Hierophant stands for compromise and unity. This generally brings joy to people doing a love reading. Keep in mind that unity and compromise go hand in hand. Therefore, if you want unity, you have to compromise with your lover.
Ten Of Pentacles:
“This is a card of prosperity that leads to happiness with home and family. The supportive family environment offers emotional and financial security.
Meaning For The Ten Of Pentacles Card: “Prosperity for the home, buying, selling, redecorating, refinancing, making home repairs, favorable placement, good investments, fruitful marriage, stability, legacy, family heritage, heirlooms, traditions being passed to the next generation, contentment, supportive family environment.”
I said you're Bunny because your Chinese Zodiac Sign was Homey RABBIT 🐇 lah! I am Mountain GOAT 🐏
And there were how many times you was asking me Did I know that you're very Rich Man just on last night Tuesday 23 August and today morning repeating again?!?
So now this Tarot Card told the Answer and Show it very Clear isn't it
Once I experienced this Amazing miracles "Angel Therapy" in my dream in beginning of 2006 when I was extremely sad, distressed and exhausted & Spiritual energy drained and attacted by horrible heavy Darkness Evil Negative Energy from my elder sister (Yes, she was definitely a thousands years ancient Asura Maya Demon Snake monster) and others after my elder brother passed away! One more very fierce Ghost was already on my mother body and controled her mind for very long time!
I saw more than ten thousands full of heaven Angels with brilliant shining light sing heavenly prayer song very loudly appeared in my dream... They came to Surrounding me and lifted my painful, drained, exhausted Astral Body slowly floating up from my bed up in the air higher than their heads level...
I was closing my eyes while am still in sleeping but with very clear awareness Soul consciousness... am like watching a movie scene play in front of my Wisdom Third Eyes.
I could feel the heaven ANGELS very Strong & Sacred High Vibration and Light Energy through their Holy Song Prayers HEALING my whole existence Body, Mind & Soul in that Special sacred night!
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