That's why I can understand and Speak 6-7 languages including a little bit of Thai since I stayed there for 6 months more when I was doing Full-times Pro Psychic works before... And I had one good friend of Badminton mates teach me some coz she mixed 5 races her mom was Thai-Chinese very White skin married to her dad Indian-Portuguese-Holland very darken black skin! That's why she knew 6 languages very well English Mandarin Hokkien Malays Thai & Tamil!
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Monday, March 27, 2023
You know what actually I also got a little bit blood DNA of Thai-Chinese-Malays because my Mom's mother my granma was actually Nyonya (Siam Chinese Mixed Malays) Her skin colors was darken like Brown not look like Chinese! Look like Thai Malays! She likes to wear Salung! That's why my mom always wears Salung too at home! And she gave me one!
And my dad was Chinese born in China! But my grandpa ancestors was mixed up with Mongolian! That's why my dad & his older brother who never leave Southern China and younger Sons all very tall and big body size over 6ft tall like Mongolian like you too! Bcoz Southern Chinese should be Shorter Smaller size! But he diabetes too now 80+ already blind! You know my younger brother younger than me 5 years was 193cm tall 110+kg
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