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Saturday, April 22, 2023

Yes I saw little part of the image too in my Vision (Just the down part of half Legs & down part of the Bed 😂 And you seem so happy mood! )! That's why I broke up with all of my Exes bf very fast bcoz they can't hide anything to cheat me at all.

But one different thing was I feel little pity of her (am Pisces girl I knew her very well! Pisces ♓ girl or women same they're really very Lovely Softness Sensitive & Creativity Strong feeling beings.) the kids were so small they need the daddy & the most important thing was I like her too she got good Vibes! Especially the babies! I felt they're like my family too! They're from heaven! 

I told you already you will have at least more than half of your kids will be Successful in their future (especially your Daughters) and go up to the Mars with you! They're both of her very beautiful intelligent Creativity Smart kids included inside. 

Actually what the most important things that the Children need in their Childhood growing moment was Parents Love (Not Over Spoiled) & Good family educate and Positive Example of behavior from the parent or adults close to them! 

Do you know why you can easily get so many kids simply came do fast with Twin & Triples models?!? It's simply because of your Destiny (In Spiritual concept we called it "Fixed Karma") The Twin & Triples they're actually is from One Same Soul!!!

You got very strong Powerful energy both Sun ☀ & Moon 🌙 signs fell into your Children's house! Sun sign already bring at least 5 kids into your life PLUS Moon sign together extra another half! You have more Sons bcoz of you have Powerful Sun sign  in your kid's house but they're Negative in low energy with a small "Sickness sign" & a "Criying sign" opposite that means your kids are not very Healthy strong body & always Crying! But they will be very Success and Famous in their Academic Study in the School but not so good in Outside Society environment!!! 

Powerful Sun sign bring you a lot of Sons  But your MOON sign Positive in your kid's house will bring you very Beautiful Blessing Softness Strong Feminine energy to your Daughters or even into your Sons character! They're very Emotional Sensitive & Softness kids all. 

And your Negative Sun & Positive Moon energy in kid's house that's why your Big son grew in negative way turn into transgender! He so effected by the Positive Moon energy and feels better to be a girl. 

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