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Monday, June 12, 2023

Hahahahaha...Who asked you to purchased this Fallen Twitter with $44billion dollars?!? 😂 If you ask for my ADVISOR last year before you buy it then I will telling you it only cost $10billion dollars Market Value!!!

Believe me, I just have to be your Company ADVISOR/CONSULTANT by CONTRACT! I just have to give some very important of my POINT OF VIEWS & ADVISOR then your Whole Company will be definitely Changing and Reborn again & you will see How it gonna Earn Profit!!! 

That's why I finally name my last personal company "GENIUS PRO CONSULTANCY"!!! It means included EVERYTHING BEST RESULTS from my 25 years Researching & Teaching Training Experiment & Experiences! In Chinese words we said "日经月累开花结果丰收期"!  

NO NEED BE THE CEO OR VP! I JUST LIKE & INTERESTED TO BE CONSULTANT WORKS Which I had been SEEing for my Singaporean Boss Couple CONSULTANCY PRIVATE COMPANY only One month working there but enough for me to use for my Whole life long!!! They're really very Amazing HONEST SMARTEST POSITIVE MINDSET GOOD MANNERS ATTITUDE & BEHAVIOR & HIGH MENTALITY HIGH EDUCATED PROFESSIONAL PPLS!!! I means the Original Singaporean Nations!!! Compare to Msian Nation just become like Nonsense Useless Messy Dirty Negative Low Mentality Stupidity Idiots Narrow Death Minded 💀 Strong EGO Arrogant No Manners BAD ATTITUTE SUCK BEHAVIOR Dishonesty Cheating too much very TOXIC RUBBISH BULLSHIT 😈 BASTARD Evil Zombies Ghost ppls over here👻! 

But I have Only One same rule from my 25 years Self Business PAY ME IN ADVANCE TO CONFIRM THE WORK SITUATION then sure I will doing it! 


Before this was CREATIVE & POTENTIAL TRAINING CENTRE in 2016-2018 after I came back from, Nepal Earthquake. 

Even during that 2 and half years in Nepal I also find local Lawyer friend helped me (Free of Charge) Registered my own Private Limited Company used my own name at that moment ISSA INTERNATIONAL CHINESE TRANING CENTRE in 2013-2015. Most of the Nepali really very Good manners High thinking & very Kind Honest Pureness Natural Tibetan Buddhism mixed Hinduism nation! I really so Happy Relaxing Enjoying my Spiritual Life & Physical Works over there!

In 2008, I registered HOPE LEARNING EDU CENTRE started doing Daily Tuition Classes & Primary Children Private Education care full Package.

In 2009 I registered another my own Sole Proprietor Sub-Company named RIGHT BRAIN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY ( I already charged $10,000 for 3-6months Course 14 years back for my Genius Right Brain Potential Development Training Family Package for young Couple with one baby & another 3 kids from 3 to 10 years old boys. The mother only had Consultant lesson on Sunday 2 hours per lesson came to my place & another week I will go her house for Practical Consulting)

My first business registration company was QUALITY TUITION CENTRE in 2002-2004 in Penang Islands (I already earned minimum $5000 from my 5 days 4-6 hours Teaching classes & Admin works 20years ago) after I worked 6 months with my 6 high Educated Middle Age Semi-Retiring bosses (5 persons are Teachers 1 person Christain doing his own business Organic Shop) from different Major shared in their New WHOLE BRAIN EDUCATION CENTRE in YMCA! I learned a lot from my MBA Boss! They asked me invest take 5% Share on it but I don't want to crazy work everything myself like that & my Mom Dad & big bro & also my Ex-bf at that moment supported me better came out to open my own Private Education Company! (But my Elder sister crazy got jealous on me & make a lot of crazy nonsense Evil troubles to me until my big bro passed away so I left them since from that moment 20 years ago!) Even my Exes all until now all same get mad get jealous too when I earned more than them!!! You know what "MAN-EGO"! 

That's why I believe that You must be my MR.RIGHT MAN 👨 that the Super Mystery Brahma Manisfestation Fortune Teller told me 20+ years back when I went further study in China Nanjing University! Bcoz you're the One who Stronger than me & already the most Successful Richest Genius Man in the World so I won't earn more than you & you have no reason to get mad get jeoulous on me and won't make troubles to me right... Am sure won't get marry with anyone else who is Stupid & Useless than me!!! I don't care how famous or handsome they are! 

Yeah... This could be part of my Working Experiences Resume!!! 😂

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